true. D. night terrors. D. circadian theory. A. the temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. 58. B. Endosymbiosis B. melatonin 53. B. dreams are random. Divided attention is not likely to impede an individual's ability to pay attention to a specific Brett takes a drug that increases his feeling of euphoria. 114. WebWhich of the following statements about hypnosis is true? feelings. throughout the day. C. Transience A. visual structuring. WebQuestion: Identify a true statement about hypnosis. Which of the following statements is true of marijuana? C. They improve memory retention. B. narcolepsy memory. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. A. Quizlet Applied behavior analysis is based on the concept of involved in observational learning? She will minimize distractions in her office and make Mitchell comfortable. Hypnosis is a trance-like mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility. 19. Daily circadian rhythms regulate a person's sleep/wakefulness cycle, body temperature, blood pressure, and blood sugar level. D. short-term memory. B. latent learning. A. REM sleep is an active stage of sleep during which dreaming does not occur. C. Mapping out the location of your vacation destination A. an organism performs a reinforced behavior in a different situation. B. stage 4 sleep. Quizlet aspect of an experience. A. vigilance. According to cognitive theory, since dreaming involves information processing and memory, dreams are essentially subconscious forms of cognitive processing. D. They decrease dopamine levels in the brain's reward pathways. All animals require sleep. She has difficulty falling asleep and awakens frequently during the night. B. activation-synthesis theory of dreaming D. Stacey's tests are dependent on how well Stacey can retrieve previously learned information. D. classical conditioning. C. intermediary D. representing higher executive function. C. Dreams are viewed as dramatizations of general life concerns that are similar to relaxed daydreams under the cognitive theory. Your English professor gives you some advice on how to cure writer's block. C. brain damage. A. They decrease dopamine levels in the brain's reward pathways. In the context of short-term memory, which of the following is true of rehearsal? 30 ( Society of Psychological Hypnosis ), hypnosis is a procedure during which a health professional or researcher suggests while treating someone, that he or she experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts or behavior. B. during non-REM sleep. A. stimulants 124. D. in an altered state of consciousness. B. are slower than automatic processes. memories. B. repressed A. sleep apnea. B. somnambulism. A. infantile amnesia. A. more emotional. Angie Sigler purchases a game console set that regularly sells for $59.95. A. in an altered state of consciousness. A. Alex, a five-year-old boy, is reciting his alphabets. B. true. C. conditioned stimulus/neutral stimulus B. pink flower. others? 36. Which of the following medications is she most C. increased tolerance. 73. C. dopamine B. stimulants. B. meditation. Punching in a number on a cell phone is one such example. D. sensory memory, Based on the famous case study of H.M., a patient who had severe epilepsy, H.M. underwent Hilgard's view that hypnosis involves a splitting of consciousness into two separate components, one of which follows the hypnotist's commands and the other of which acts as a "hidden observer" is known as true. 92. 117. About Hypnosis C. insomnia. UR. D. encoding. D. They interrupt others people's study or sleep. motions made by her instructor. D. narcotic. where they were and what they were doing when they first learned of the terrorist attacks. A. lower-level consciousness D. dreams are caused by neurotransmitter levels. C. have difficulty falling asleep at the hour at which they would like. A. marijuana D. A rat learns to run a maze for a cheese food reward instead of a peanut-butter reward. C. wake up earlier than desired, sometimes several times a night. Ian repeatedly uses heroin to reduce stress and enhance the feeling of well-being. B. narcotic C. periodic attacks of uncontrollable sleepiness. Ricardo broke his wrist while rollerblading in the park. The two hemispheres can no longer relay information back and forth. D. Implicit memory is also known as declarative memory. Latent learning is The United States has the lowest rate of adolescent drug use of any industrialized nation. D. Aversive conditioning. Hypnosis Nolan and his wife were standing in the middle of the kitchen discussing vacation plans when he suddenly crashed to the floor in a deep REM sleep. you are asked to recall the name of a person you just met a few seconds ago, you rely on ________. C. H.M.'s procedural memory suffered the most damage. According to Bandura's model of observational learning, what are the four primary processes He always uses a specific amount reinforced for successfully running through it. This demonstrated that the rats called on their ________ cognitive tasks. Hypnosis A. tranquilizer. In the context of memory processes, which of the following scenarios best illustrates the process of B. sleeping. She tells you to sit at your computer for 15 minutes and write whatever comes into your head. It is determined by the time elapsed since the last behavior was rewarded. C. are the lowest or least alert state of human consciousness. Why do we sleep? C. occipital lobe and temporal lobe. A. serotonin B. physical dependence. Latent Content: What a dream symbolizes. C. a change in GABA A. mother. D. bumblebee. C. hypnosis. True. B. habit. C. are absent during slow-wave sleep. A. B. an organism responds appropriately to stimuli that signal that a behavior will or will not be She will minimize distractions in her office and make Mitchell comfortable. C. physical and/or psychological dependence develops. C. Organisms learn behaviors implicitly, without being reinforced. They enhance decision making. D. positive reinforcement. D. how memory functions at the neuron level. B. long-term memory. C. alcohol/cocaine Which of the following concepts best describes Miranda's learning 62. Compare and contrast rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. C. It always results in distortion of memories. _______ refers to the formation of a number of different connections around a stimulus at any D. Maria, who is working out an algebra problem on a piece of paper. D. There is no link between brain activity and elaboration during encoding. soon be there to take your order. He will invite all of his friends over that night for another party. B. more than four drinks in a row Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. C. observational learning. brain's activities. C. glutamate C. non-REM sequence. A. episodic memory/semantic memory C. tolerance. B. long-term memory/short-term memory B. somnambulism. People very quickly adapt to the procedures and behaviors appropriate at a birthday party. B. have been to similar Fancy Foods Restaurants in other towns. D. increase long-term memory. Specialists refer to sleep stages 1-4 as non-REM sleep. 43. Extinction tests include only essay questions, whereas Stacey's end-of-semester tests include only C. negative punishment. Rebecca's mother suffers from frequent panic attacks. Identify The True And False Statements About Hypnosis. A. fall unexpectedly into a deep sleep in the middle of daily activities. Psych 101 Final Study Guide D. during non-REM sleep. C. sleeping. surprised to learn that nearly all of the students she interviewed offer very detailed, vivid accounts of 83. A. A. serotonin It is most likely that Mr. Owens suffers from It is more likely to occur when individuals are sleep deprived. C. Homer's neurological dream activity. D. Theory of mind, What theory of dreaming proposes that dreaming involves information processing and memory? Insomnia is a disorder involving Your knowledge of the alphabet and multiplication tables is most likely to be stored in your Kevin suffers from _____. binary consciousness. Samantha tells Ava, her friend, that she should use imagery when studying. While hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like state, it is better expressed as a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. 15. Hypnosis B. What is the most widely used drug in the United States? 45. B. opiate. WebA. Non-REM Dreams: The experience of mundane, dull, everyday events when asleep. C. have a script for what happens in a restaurant. Furthermore, it can get rid of cravings during the process, which prevents weight gain while. Your little brother whines whenever he wants something. Which of the following neurotransmitters plays an important role in addiction? Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration. B. episodic memory D. hippocampus and hypothalamus. B. narcolepsy. C. might lead to an increased probability of daydreaming. A. a circadian rhythm anomaly. CBS, ABC, FBI, and IRS. C. operant conditioning. Which of the following is true of divided attention in the context of memory encoding? C. a loud noise The contestant is in a state of Sleeping learning. A. A pig shoves an object on the ground instead of learning to carry it in his mouth. A. in the lowest level of sleep. A. Daydreaming about your upcoming vacation Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration. D.They are considered to be conscious behaviors. The longer the period of REM sleep, the more likely the person will report dreaming. Repeated usage of marijuana can enhance attention and memory. A. Which of the following is true of elaboration in memory? A. insight learning 12. ________ is a situation in which material that was learned later disrupts the retrieval of This was the first time he had used heroin outside his own apartment. C. A pigeon learns to guide a warhead to its target. About Hypnosis B. strongly increase What is psychological dependence and physical dependence of psychoactive drugs? A. C. a state called hypnagogic reverie. B. psychological dependence. 23. B. Tranquilizers, sedatives, and opiates all belong to the category of _____ drugs. Hypnosis than those in the middle. Scolding Todd is an example of The ________ is the tendency to recall the items at the beginning and end of a list more readily What type of drug is Ricardo taking? D. valium, 100. You don't censor yourself or B. demonstrating automatic processing. C. heroin A. Grandpa is napping in his recliner, snoring loudly, when suddenly he stops snoring. B. This illustrates the concept of. D. Somnambulisms/Night terrors. B. shaping. 21. mother removes a flower from the arrangement and takes it over for her baby to smell. A. flashbulb memory attention and which should be ignored. to make it pleasurable. B. damaging property What type of drug is crystal meth? Drugs, trauma, fatigue, hypnosis, and sensory deprivation typically produce Define the five levels of awareness and give an example of each. 18 C. instinctive drift. D. motor reproduction. Hypnosis B. tranquilizer. C. insomnia A. positive punishment. Other studies have shown that sleep coincides with the release of growth hormone in children, thus suggesting that sleep plays an important role in physical growth and brain development. D.They are considered to be conscious behaviors. B. missing class 6. personalities that she exhibits as a result of her condition. B. dreaming. A. D. Daydreaming most often occurs in the form of mind wandering. B. hypnagogic reverie True Statement (S) Drag Appropriate Answer (S) Here If Someone Is Afraid Of Being Hypnotized, The Hypnosis Will Probably Not Work. 87. C. primary What role does sleep play in influencing our psychological and physical health? B. a rabbit D. observational learning, Elaine is writing a paper about reactions to the tragedy that occurred at the Twin Towers on D. hallucinogen. 4. C. depressant C. declarative memory A. In the context of classical conditioning,________ occurs when the conditioned response dissipates B. rehearsing A. withdrawal. Research does not support the claim that hypnosis can reduce the experience of pain. C. latent learning B. conditioned stimulus (CS). A. A. stage 2 The cognitive theory of dreaming claims that we can understand dreaming by applying the same cognitive concepts we use in studying the waking mind. 40. A. Hallucinogens In a television reality show, Trevor, the host, puts one of his contestants in a trance and asks her to pretend to be a alarm sound. When circadian rhythms are disrupted (e.g., if we must adapt to a new time zone or have to switch from working the day shift to working the night shift), all of the major physiological functions listed above become desynchronized. encoding information? B. marijuana C. getting hurt A. instinctive drift A. classical conditioning. 122. Hypnosis true/false The cerebellum and ________ play an important role in implicit memory. B. stage 5 and stage 6 D. hypnosis involves a special state of consciousness in which consciousness is split into separate components. Jerry is in the process of getting a divorce and is having trouble at his job. Elaine has D. Transference, You are taking both a Spanish and a French course this semester. B. positive reinforcement. The truth is that stage hypnotism is essentially a theatrical performance and has about as much in common with bona fide clinical hypnosis as many Hollywood movies have with real life. true. D. Semantic, meaningful, and symbolic characteristics are used in shallow processing. A. will result in longer hours of sleep. C. sensory memory/long-term memory Heather reported a boost in energy and a sense of well-being after taking a drug. B. stage 2 sleep. D. Being anesthetized. A. The need to take increasing amounts of a drug to get the same effect that a lower dose used to bring is called C. episodic memory C. View Why do psychoactive drugs make people feel good? 33. 128. Non-REM Dreams: The experience of mundane, dull, everyday events when asleep. A. script. _____ are frightening dreams that awaken a dreamer from REM sleep. Gloria can't get through the day without several cups of coffee and energy drinks. 77. A. the activation-synthesis theory D. interactive-phenomenological perspective. A. positive reinforcement C. The divided-consciousness view of hypnosis C. insight learning D. hallucinogen. 110. Frank buys a new smartphone and tries exploring the phone's features as soon as he reaches home. Identify The True And False Statements About Hypnosis. 31. B. Hypnosis produces a state of consciousness dissimilar to other states of consciousness. C. habituation. D. stimulant, 93. Which of the following is true of the visuo-spatial sketchpad? A. involves mechanically repeating information, without imparting meaning to it.It 80. B. difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early. B. an anxious, panicky feeling. A. daydreaming. B. narcolepsy. They push or assault others. B. executive function. A. brain. B. His mother notices Jacob warns her that repeated use of this drug could have lasting negative effects on the neurotransmitter These A. sleepwalking and sleep talking. complementary consciousness. B. gary's concern over monthly bills D. periodic attacks of uncontrollable sleepiness. It also is called hypnotherapy. A. What is the definition of a binge-drinking episode? information that was learned earlier. Automatic processes A. D. Stage 1 sleep/stage 3 and stage 4 sleep. Alcohol decreases the concentration of the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is widely distributed in many brain areas. B. Expectancy learning They increase dopamine levels in the brain's reward pathways. WebA. 42. Yet, she is still able to talk, know The effect of the heroin was increased because Leonard injected it in a strange environment A. B. Tylenol Larry is grounded each time he hits his little brother. D. She will suggest certain events or feelings she knows will occur, such as "Your eyes are getting tired.". Identify While watching television, you can see how advertisers cunningly apply classical-conditioning A. discovery learning. B. D) It confuses witnesses, who end up providing inaccurate details about a crime. In the context of the D. serotonin dependence. C. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. 30 ( Society of Psychological Hypnosis ), hypnosis is a procedure during which a health professional or researcher suggests while treating someone, that he or she experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts or behavior. Implicit memory/Explicit memory C. conditioned response. C. anterograde amnesia. B. preparedness. She tells you to sit at A. stimulant. Stage 5 sleep/stage 1 and stage 2 sleep D. Your sister bumps into a door when she has a high fever. B. episodic memory. learning? Furthermore, it can get rid of cravings during the process, which prevents weight gain while. A. caffeine B. Lea is in B. D. During acquisition, the unconditional stimulus loses the ability to elicit any kind of response Lily has been battling insomnia for a very long time. D. procedural memory, ________ is the activation of information that people already have in storage to help them Mary used the tactic of A. serotonin Which of the following is true of brain structures and memory functions in long-term memory? After Someone Wakes Up From Hypnosis, He Or She May Have Involuntary Reactions To A Stimulus But Not Remember Why. A. recall/recognition In addition to the restorative function of sleep, scientists also believe that sleep may serve an important evolutionary function. B. unconditioned stimulus. Identify C.night terrors B. occurs when information that was retained in memory comes out of storage. A. C. crack. C. Daydreaming most often occurs in the form of mind wandering. Betty is most likely 64. Which of the following is true of a night's sleep? C. Insight learning She interviews ten of her classmates and asks them to remember that day. B. neutral stimuli become associated with unlearned, involuntary responses. According to the Atkinson-Shiffrin theory, information can last up to a lifetime in B. cueing. B. REM sleep decreases as the night progresses. They enhance decision making. 39. Developmental psychologists have used a procedure called the false belief task to examine children's It occurs usually due to the use of sleeping pills. It is likely that he is C. self-actualization. Your friend wonders WebAs opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined. C. a person experiences unpleasant physical symptoms when using a drug. A. ________ units of information. A. will result in decreasing levels of cortisol in the body. _______ is characterized by myoclonic jerks and theta waves, whereas ________ are characterized _____ is a state of being conscious of what is going on, whereas _____ is a physiological state of being engaged with the environment. Theory of awareness B. These drugs can affect people cognitively. D. may cause Helen to be at increased risk for heart disease. Which of the following disorders is characterized by the temporary cessation of breathing while asleep? D. cortisol. A. decrease Although you had never been to the Fancy Foods Restaurant in your town, you weren't at all A. in an altered state of consciousness. B. GABA misbehavior toward his little brother decreases. A. Quizlet Bargains on video games usually occur in January. WebHypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. WebQuestion: Identify a true statement about hypnosis. 44. C. It reinforces a behavior after a fixed amount of time has passed. D. Stage 1 sleep, 116. It reinforces a behavior after a set number of behaviors. C. cognitive theory of dreaming 27. words for your French test, you realize that the French words are disrupting the memory of the Spanish Illicit drug use is a global problem. A. Instinctive drift B. fixed-ratio This technique will allow your _____ to flow. A. depressant. B. John, even though she has not spoken to John for at least four years. _____ is a sleep disorder in which individuals stop breathing because the windpipe fails to open or because brain processes involved in respiration fail to work properly. B. the parietal lobes of the brain are involved in both retrospective memory and prospective C. hypnosis. 101. A. require lower levels of attention than controlled processes. Psych 101 Final Study Guide D. discovered memory, The locations of neural activity, called ________, are interconnected. Betty is most likely B. must decay and make room for new memories. A. Barbiturates B. Spontaneous recovery of operant conditioning, Jennifer's behavior has most likely been learned through B) It can help to cure cocaine addiction. 69. One set of studies has shown that many cells show increased production during sleep. B. occipital lobe and temporal lobe. True Statement (S) Drag Appropriate Answer (S) Here If Someone Is Afraid Of Being Hypnotized, The Hypnosis Will Probably Not Work. Experience with unavoidable negative stimuli can lead to a particular deficit in avoidance learning Falling asleep all of a sudden while talking to a friend is most likely an example of C. observational learning Hypnosis has been officially endorsed as a therapeutic method by medical, psychiatric, dental, and psychological associations throughout the world. She says she D. Divided attention involves concentrating on different activities, one activity at a time. D. altered states of consciousness. D. emotional system. Awareness involves the _____, whereas arousal is determined by the _____. Skill memory Which of the following is true of acquisition in classical conditioning? 68. It induces images that are sometimes pleasurable and sometimes grotesque. B. a logical information-processing system with memory buffer, short-term and long-term storage, and a complex mechanism for directing attention. If so, are there distinctions between REM and non-REM dreams? true. of the following best describes the effect that surgery had on H.M.'s memory? Ian's behavior exemplifies Psychology Chapter 5 Identify a true statement about hypnosis Sexual satisfaction therapist listens and then offers the interpretation that this dream signifies Homer's unconscious desires to be free of his True Statement (s) Drag appropriate answer (s) here The split-brain procedure is conducted only in people who have severe seizure disorders (epilepsy). A. altered states of consciousness. C. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. Why do psychoactive drugs make people feel good? D. are a certified psychic. _____ drug dependence is the physiological need for a drug that causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and a craving for the drug when it is discontinued, whereas _____ drug dependence is the strong desire to repeat the use of a drug for emotional reasons. Classical conditioning can produce immunosuppression. B. Chunking Which of the following statements is true about autobiographical memory? B. C. night terror A. higher-level consciousness Identify the true statement about sleepwalking. What is the definition of a binge-drinking episode? D. are unconscious behaviors. A. serotonin skips her coffee in the morning. Widespread areas of the cerebral cortex are disabled when individuals are in a hypnotic state. D. difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early. It asserts that deeper processing produces poorer memory. C. hallucinogen.
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