A student enrolled in a public school shall not be required to pay a fee for his/her participation in an educational activity that constitutes an integral fundamental part of the District's educational program, including curricular and extracurricular activities. This permit verifies that both the school and parents/guardians know their students location when not on campus. National Honor Society Membership in the National Honor Society is an honor bestowed upon a student by the faculty council based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Library computers may not be used to play computer games. Bell Schedule - JUSD Home Los Angeles Roosevelt 6, San Pedro 4. School administrators and teachers will present information to SSC, ELAC, and Parent Teacher Association (PTA/Booster) and other parent support groups to assist parents in understanding the standards their children must meet and how their children's progress will be judged. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Apple Valley High School (MN) Varsity Football - MaxPreps.com AVUSD - Student Resources Period 1 . The message briefly informs you that your student was absent two or more class periods that day and to please, send a written notice to excuse the absence to the Attendance Office the next day or use our 24 hour-a-day message number, 247-7206 ext. It will be explained to the student and parent/guardian that no new course for credit can be added for the remainder of the semester. Students will receive a copy of this policy at the beginning of the school year as part of their school handbook. Citrus Valley High School; Bell Schedule 22-23; If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Apple Valley Unified School District agrees to implement the following statutory requirements: * The school district will put into operation programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with federal Title programs. Complaints alleging retaliation, unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying must be initiated no later than six (6) months from the date when the complainant first obtained knowledge of the facts of the alleged discrimination. Chromebooks are checked in and out through the library. School Hours of Jurisdiction- Students are under the authority of school officials and are responsible for following the expectations while at school, while at a school activity and while going to or from school or a school activity. Citations may be issued for other violations, these include, but are not limited to, the following: Littering, petty theft, computer access, vandalism with liquid or paint, drive on private property, use of slugs in coin machine, graffiti of public vehicle, graffiti private property, public drunkenness, illicit gaming, dice, cards, and keeping of lost property. provides: The chief administrative officemay notify a person that consent to remain on campus or other facility under the control of the chief administrative officer has been withdrawn. Dougherty Valley High School. Volunteer Help the coach manage this team. A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts that are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (2) While going to or coming from school. day of ticket sales in order to be permitted to purchase tickets or attend the event. 2. Code: 48900.3. Apple Valley High School offers the following athletic programs. Vocal Motion is one of the choral groups on campus. card are eligible to be recipients of the awards, certificates, trophies, or other subsidies to be paid for using ASB funds. If you are a member of a club, activity or sport, we highly recommend that you purchase an activities sticker to receive these subsidies. 1st incident: Confiscate, San Bernardino Movement Against Street Hoodlums (SMASH), behavior contract, warn, 1st incident: SMASH, behavior contract, warn, 1st incident: SMASH, behavior contract, warn, by clothing at all times - when sitting, standing, or bending. Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 3:30. Students or parents can appeal a grade for a class, but no one can order a teacher to change a grade unless it can be proven that either incompetence or miscalculation caused the error. Skip to Main Content. I pledge on my honor, in accordance with the AVHS Academic Integrity Policy, that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assessment, exam, essay, or project.. February 2023. As a broad definition, we define any action as lacking academic integrity in that it intends to provide an unfair advantage/disadvantage (intentionally or unintentionally) that violates the expectations/conditions for an assignment in a particular class. Work Permits are mandated by the State of California for all minors. Bell Schedule Login X Chenango Valley Central School District Quick Links Language We inspire, engage and empower all students to achieve their full potential. The student is responsible to provide transportation home from detention. The State of California has determined that excused absences are limited to the following reasons: Absences which do not qualify as excused under the guidelines of the California Education Code are oversleeping, alarm clock not working, missed the bus, car did not start, rain or other inclement weather, visiting friends, vacations, lack of clothing, babysitting, personal and /or family emergency etc. * By way of conducting annual district surveys of parents to assess needs, determine barriers, and evaluate the effectiveness of the parent involvement activities in order to modify Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) and district policies. California State Law (E.C. You may leave a message (24 hours) or speak to someone in the Attendance Office from 6:30am to 3:00pm. This computer schedule will be your official notification of the program change. Student Notification Regarding Attendance Policies. . Any course changes after the above stated timelines will require administrative approval. ~Pays tournament entry fees for our academic and athletic teams. Coordination of parent involvement activities at the site are done by a district approved parent volunteer, an employee, a staff committee, the leadership team, and/or the SSC. Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, arc disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or arc of any racial or ethnic minority background). Visit www.avhs.netfor additional contact information. Types of consequences may include (but are not limited to); detention, class suspension, Saturday school, In-school suspension, suspension or expulsion. Students must be considered to be students in good standing in order to compete in athletic contests. Bell Schedule; Graduation Requirements; Mission Statement; School Accountability Report Cards; School Awards; Single Plan for Student Achievement ; . 126 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA 16037. Home - School of Environmental Studies Office Hrs: 7:30am - 4:30pm ; Schools . Sunsations The Sunsations is a very special choir group. Bell Schedule 2022-23 | Scotts Valley High School f. Giving or receiving test information to/from other students. Code 48915. Notes of any kind, for any reason, may not be signed by a student even if he/she has been given permission to do so by a parent or guardian. Students returning to campus after violating the closed campus policy may be considered to be a threat to campus safety and will be subject to detainment and search by school authorities. x71941, Pick up Free/Reduced Lunch Form in the cafeteria, or apply online at avusd.org or call x20213, Check with the Secretary in the discipline office. 12555 Navajo Rd. The valedictorian(s) are those in that category who have all A's in their academic courses, grades 9-12, and any student who earns a weighted GPA that is higher than the lowest GPA which satisfies the foregoing requirements. The staff at Apple Valley High School is here to help students receive the finest education possible, not to arbitrarily impose rules or discipline upon them. California State Education Code Section 48904 provides authorization for Any School District whose real or personal property has been willfully cut, defaced, or otherwise injured, or whose property is loaned to a pupil and willfully not returned upon demand or any employee of the District authorized to make the demand may, after affording the pupil his/her due process rights, withhold (such items as) the grades, diplomas and transcripts of the pupil responsible for the damage until the pupil or the pupils parent or guardian has paid for the damages thereto, not to exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500).. Apple Valley Unified School District "Proudly Preparing our Students for Their Future" 12555 Navajo Rd. Appropriate for the learning environment of a public high school campus, Tops shall be within one sizeof what fits the student, Undergarments should be coveredby clothing at all times - when sitting, standing, or bending, If clothing is sheer, backless, off the shoulder, strapless, cropped, low cut, or with large arm holes,a tank top that is at a length that can be tucked in will be worn underneath, The width of the strap or sleeve will be as wide or wider than the straps of undergarment, Daytime clothing will be worn while at school or at school events, Clothing, accessories, and visible tattoos arefree of gang affiliation, Clothing, accessories, and visible tattoos are free of sexual or divisive content, Clothing, accessories, and visible tattoos arefree from messages about: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, profanity, graffiti, nudity, hate, violence, intimidation, and occult, Bottoms shall be within one sizeof what fits the student, Undergarments should be completely coveredby clothing at all times - when sitting, standing, or bending, Pants are worn at the hips and must stay therewith or without a belt, Legs will be covered at a length that is able to provide adequate coverage of buttocks and undergarments, Holes in pants are no higher than allowed short/skirt length and must completely cover undergarments, Hoods and earbuds areremoved when you enter a building, Jackets and sweatshirts shall bewithin one sizeof what fits the student, Weather protective items (sunglasses, hats, and knit caps) will beremoved when you enter a building, - Shoes that are safe to walk around the various terrains of campus will be worn at all times, -In workshops, culinary classes, and specific science labs, shoes will cover toes and have a back strap, -All accessories worn will avoid parameters of being considered a weapon, Daytime clothing and accessories will be worn while at school or at school events, *These School Attire Expectations apply to ALLschool events, including, but not limited to, athletic events and dances. -In the event of unforeseen circumstances and you need to pick up your student, please call at least 30-40 minutes in advance. Only parents/legal guardian can arrange for an off grounds pass. Saturday School is an on-campus study/work program to improve student behavior and attendance. Saturday School will give a student the opportunity to make up unexcused absences. Academic Shields/Chevron/Eagle AwardsFundraisers, Activities DirectorHandbook for Students, Activities Master CalendarMaster Calendar Requests, ASB BookkeeperMarquee in Front of School, ASB Leadership ClassMojave River League, ASB StickersNoontime Activities, Athletic Awards and LettersOutdoor Bulletin Boards, Athletic Clearance CardsPictures-ID, Class and Senior, Athletic DirectorProm/Homecoming/Winter Formal, Booster Clubs (MUST Register with Activities office)Renaissance Program, Campus BeautificationSchool Alma Mater, Caps, Gowns, and AnnouncementsSchool Logos, CIF ProceduresSchool Spirit Items, Class RingsSr. Class Information Packet, Class and Club AdvisorsSports Information, Club Awards and LettersSports Officials, CoachesSport Schedules, Daily BulletinStadium/Gym Usage, Display and Trophy Cases in Main OfficeStats for Athletics, Directions to Other SchoolsStudent Store, Elections, ASB and ClassStudent Activities for Year, Grad NightSuggestion Boxes, Help with End of the Year EventsTickets to Graduation, Field Trips and FormsApproval of Flyers/Posters. 4. The Bell Game will be played as a home game, held at Newton T. Bass Stadium in Apple . Produce effectively as an individual and in collaboration with various groups. 5. 29. 3. Commencing with the Class of 2020 seniors may be awarded an Academic Letter by attaining the GPA AND A-G standards below: GPA: Upon entry into the first semester of your senior year, have earned a cumulative unweighted total GPA equal to or above 3.50 for the first three years of high school. Signs are posted at the entrances to campus alerting visitors to the presence of these cameras. Deer Valley High School / DVHS Calendar - Antioch Unified School District l. Before a student may try out for a team or participate in a sport, he/she must have a clearance card. View Map. Completion of Work Missed Due to Suspension- The teacher of any class from which a pupil is suspended may require the suspended pupil to complete any assignments and tests missed during the suspension. The Associated Student body, also known as the ASB, is the student organization on campus that sponsors student government and all clubs and activities. GVHS Bell Schedule: 2022-2023 - Golden Valley High School AVHS encourages all students to maintain their status as students in good standing. 1505 Candelaria Rd. (3)There was no reasonable cause for the student to be in possession of the firearm. Wearing a special sash at the graduation ceremony. Dougherty Valley High School. 1st incident: Confiscate, San Bernardino Movement Against Street Hoodlums (SMASH), behavior contract, warn studentsand parents, 3rd incident: Suspend, possible expulsion, All incidents include restitution and/or cleanup, 1st incident: SMASH, behavior contract, warn studentsand parents, 2nd incident: Suspend, possible cite, 3rd incident: Suspend, cite, possible expulsion, 1st incident: SMASH, behavior contract, warn studentsand parents; discipline at the Discretionof Assistant Principal, 2nd incident: Suspend, cite, possible expulsion, 1st incident: Suspend, SMASH, cite, possible expulsion, 2nd incident: Suspend, cite, expulsion, Computer privileges revoked for year; Legal Consequences. About Us / Bell Schedules - Seneca Valley School District Pinole, CA 94564. No new courses for credit, including office aides and teacher aides will be added to the students schedule after the second week (10 days) of school first semester and five (5) days of school second semester. If a violation is determined, the student will be asked to remedy the violation by one of the following solutions: 1. Students who, after being warned, persist in any activity that has been deemed unsafe by administrators may be suspended! Prep Football: Apple Valley stumps Victor Valley in 53rd Bell Game If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any pages or documents, please request materials in an alternate format by contacting webmaster@avusd.org or at 760-247-8001. . PGA Printing and Graphic Arts- The purpose of this club is to teach students how to run and maintain a printing and graphics business. Attendance - Simi Valley High School It will also provide them with the opportunity to become physically fit, emotionally mature, and socially acceptable young adults. Students may be removed from the graduation ceremony and/or other senior activities for discipline violations throughout the year. No checks for purchases will be accepted after May 1 of the current school year. Our school offers Saturday School as an opportunity to recover unexcused absences (this cannot erase absences to participate in Its a Gas Program, any absence disqualifies students from the Its a Gas Program.). provides: No outsider shall enter or remain on school grounds during school hours without having registered with the principal or designee. This includes parents, friends, former students, etc. As a broad definition, we define any action as lacking academic integrity in that it intends to provide an unfair advantage/disadvantage (. ) Be sure and check the refund policy used at AVHS. Our creative and progressive structuring of our facilities and educational environment provides focused support and engages students in innovative learning experiences. El Cajon Valley HS El Capitan HS Granite Hills HS Grossmont HS Helix Charter HS Idea Center High School Monte Vista HS Mount Miguel HS Santana HS Steele Canyon Charter HS Valhalla HS West Hills HS Grossmont Adult . ~Officials for all the sports we have on campus. Consequently we require all volunteers to complete this application and meet the requirements of a security clearance before serving as a volunteer in our schools. standards in addition to district standards. Peer Helpers Peer Helpers are a group of students concerned about their peers. A student calling or texting someone to pick them up is not an excused absence. Apple Valley High School expects students and/or staff to immediately report incidents of bullying to the principal or designee. 2023-24 Kaalandarka Sannad Dugsiyeedka. As Teachers, and State-operated preschool programs, by: * Coordinating beginning of the year orientations for transitional services of children and parents. Conferences can take place in person or by telephone. DESCRIPTION OF HOW DISTRICT WILL IMPLEMENT REQUIRED DISTRICT WIDE PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY COMPONENTS. The administration of Apple Valley High School, in enforcing school and district policies, may suspend or remove an athlete from participation in athletics. ASB officers sell both cords and sashes at the end of the year. Bell Schedule; CDE Reports; Contact Us; Directory; School Map; School Accountability Report Card (SARC) School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Students. The principal, leadership team, and SSC monitors the implementation of the parent involvement activities in the plan, help to administer the needs assessment to parents through district and site surveys, and assists in designing the evaluation of the parent involvement program. Lack of transportation is NOT considered a valid reason to reschedule or fail to attend. Any student who leaves without prior administrative permission and an off-grounds pass will be given a truancy for all classes missed and will be considered to be in violation of the closed-campus policy. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development and joint agreement of its School Parental involvement Policy and its schoolwide plan, if applicable, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way: By way of school site advisory groups, School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), District School Liaison Team (DSLT Parent Advisory) meetings when in program improvement status. 4. Contact. 2020-2021 Student handbook - Google Docs
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