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immigrant ships from bremen, germany

Brunswick 17 October, 1836 From 1850 to 1891, 41 percent of German and east European emigrants left via the port of Bremen (Germany), 30 percent via Hamburg (Germany), 16 percent via Le Havre (France), 8 percent via Antwerp (Belgium), and 5 percent via several ports in the Netherlands. Emma 7 October coasting vessels from North Germany,4 and even from Norway5 for transshipment to America. Camera 13 December Ship Leontine 31 August Olbers 13 June Pay special attention to how the name should have been pronounced and try variations on the pronunciation. The rates offered by the competing companies had drawn freight away from the sailers, and the Hapag did not let it return. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Bark Ceder 20 May arriving on 27 May 1887 with 485 passengers from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Hungary, Austria, England, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, France, Poland, Belgium and Brazil. Martha 1 September On June 19, 1858, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon; the "Bremen" left the wharf at Bremerhaven on her maiden voyage to New York, carrying 100 tons of freight, 1 cabin and 93- steerage passengers. Goethe 7 July Bremen 14 September Save a copy of the image or transcribe the information. Herschel 15 August Ann 1 September reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by When in 1910 the Hapag and Woermann decided to establish a direct connection between New York and West Africa, they announced the following program:[7] The steamship Carl Woermann will begin in December a new and direct service between this port and the west coast of Africa, under the joint auspices of the Hamburg- American and Woermann lines. Chilo 20 August Ferdinand 11 June Friederich Jacob 9 December Previous to this, barracks were constructed to house the emigrants but the conditions were deplorable and disease spread quickly. General Washington 24 November, 1842 Philadelphia 11 May This page has been viewed 197,393 times (0 via redirect). Alexander 25 July SS Donau 29 April, 1879 Semiramis 18 August Ship Louise Marie 24 May Inez 2 December SS Nagel 22 January Ship Hermine 27 August, 1857 Grace Brown 17 July Sophie 19 August 1834 Brig Champion 28 July. Washington 16 September An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Louise 24 October See the list of sources at the bottom of the page. Hamburg became a port of emigration because of its competition with Bremen as a seaport for trade. She was capable of carrying 1,240 passengers: 150 in first class, 90 in second class, and up to a thousand in . Marianne 20 September Isobella 27 April Friederich Jacob 9 December Bremen 21 November A P Sharp 12 November Stephani 8 February Favorite 12 November Bashan 3 November Iris 24 December Leo 31 August Condor 9 August Bark Industrie 31 October Ship Pharsalia 11 November, 1849 A letter given to the traveler made his passage within and outside of German territories easier, depending on the influence the issuer had. Ellen Brooks 28 October Timoleon 22 November Grace Brown 17 July Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Moreover, twice as many passengers departed from Bremen as from Germany's second busiest port for emigration, Hamburg. 1840 Astracan 23 December Saale was a German passenger ship owned by the North German Lloyd company of Bremen, and was built by the Fairfield shipbuilding company in Glasgow in 1886. Republic 13 June The ships will have special provision for wild animals, whose food, supplied by the shippers, will be carried free. SS Trave 17 December Passenger Lists By Ship - American Historical Society of Germans from She started her maiden voyage on 5 June 1897, traveling from Bremen to New York with a stopover at Southampton.In addition to the transatlantic run she also sailed from Bremen to Australia via the Suez Canal.. On 30 June 1900, she was badly damaged in a dockside fire at the NDL pier in Hoboken, New Jersey. Apollo 13 August Hamburg Emigration/Immigration FamilySearch Brig Charles Ferdinand 4 August Constitution 23 June Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. Mary Phillips 9 September Goethe 7 July Cordova 24 November Brig Reform 29 November, 1851 The year 1871, when the Empire was formed, saw the Hamburg lines multiply. From now on the Hapag had a clear field. Brig Neptune 14 October Lucilla 3rd Quarter Brig Jon. N W Stevens 23 October This page was last edited on 15 September 2022, at 09:20. Millions of people left Germany in several waves of migration. Gustav 23 October DEUTSCHLAND. Luntine 23 June ISTG - Germany Departures - Immigrant Ships This policy gave Bremen on the entire continent a reputation that still endures and is worth to her thousands of emigrants yearly. Bark Jupiter 7 September General Veazie 8 November Pauline 7 October SS Ohio 21 July Friedrich Jacob 16 June Ship Phoenix 19 May Henry 15 October General Washington 24 November, 1844 F H Adami 25 October Isabella 28 August Semiramis 18 August Friedrich Leo 2 August A P Sharp 12 November Philadelphia 4 January Latrobe 2 August History of Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen with a discussion of how the two major steamship companies competed with one another for the immigrant trade. SS Bremen 25 June SS Elbe 9 July Marianne 20 September Elise 8 September Goethe 7 July Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Virginia 26 June Hualco 21 August Trenton 16 December Diamant 17 October SS Baltimore 20 March The Kosmos also has a line from Genoa to West America and in the course of its career has bought up the rival Hamburg Pacific Steamship Company. This can help you identify other generations of your family. Elise 6 December The Hapag began business with three copper-bottomed sailing ships of together 1,600 register tons, and with a capital of 460,000 marks. Stephani 8 February Often the local pastor or priest noted peoples' departures in the parish registers next to birth or marriage entries. Diana 11 November Johann Friedrich 19 June This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 21:20. The SS Bremen was built by F. Schichau of Danzig for the Norddeutscher-Lloyd line. Apollo 7 July Reform 4 September Germans had to apply for permission to emigrate from most areas. Steamer Ohio 31 July Olbers 13 June Diana 24 November Josephine 8 November In 1987 and 1990 those lists were given back to the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. In 1882 the Woermann Line, originally a branch of the famous Hamburg mercantile house of Woermann, was established to West Africa. For help reading these records see: The following information may be found in these records: It is helpful to know at least one of the following: Compare each result from your search with what you know to determine if there is a match. Keep track of your research in a research log. In Germany, Bremen had a good reputation as a port of departure because its laws forced shipowners to provide a basic minimum of space and food. Diana 3 June Bremen 21 November Isabella 28 August In the following year, the Hapag made the Kosmos Line let the Hapag share its extremely profitable service to West America under an agreement whereby either company supplies a certain proportion of the total number of steamers dispatched per year. [1], Read all about emigrating through Hamburg by clicking on Germany Emigration and Immigration, A very important tool in tracing German immigrants can be the Hamburg Passenger Lists, which cover the years 1850-1934. anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Elise 8 September Brig Ivanhoe 31 July, 1836 This second rate-war gave the Hapag its present brilliant manager, Albert Ballin, who was taken over from the Carr line; and it taught the company the raine of timely compromise in ocean warfare. Bachus 12 September Washington 29 September Charlemagne 15 July Philadelphia 12 July Neptune 4 August Showing 1 to 8 of 320 records Clear All Filters Vessel Year built Line Builder & location Emma 7 October See Germany Newspapers for more information. Compile the entries for every person who has the same surname; this is especially helpful in rural areas or if the surname is unusual. Bark Theodor Korner 9 June As passenger traffic increased, Dutch, Belgian, French, and Danish ports were used. Bark Constitution 19 October Rajah 28 October Apollo 13 August SS Baltimore 18 July [1][2], 1832 - lists of passengers begin Diana 21 November Washington 29 September [8] K. Thiess : Die Hamburg-Amerika Linie, page 34. Bremen Ship Passengers 1904-1914 | FEEFHS Eutaw 15 September Edward 24 July Semiramis 18 August Louisa 23 May Reform 4 September Ajax 11 September Passenger Arrival Lists | National Archives Howard 1 May What motive may influence the Hapag in a move of this sort is indicated by the rise and fall of the line from New York to the Levant (through to Constantinople and Odessa), maintained by the Hapag and the German Levant Line in common, 1901-04. Everhard 25 May Emigrants could have remained in Hamburg for a while. Luntine 23 June Elizabeth Hall of Dighton 1 September Brig Joh Dethard 15 December Semiramis 18 August Louisa 23 May Diana 21 November They are transcribed also. Louis 25 June Information given in passenger lists varies but usually includes the emigrant's name, age, occupation, last residence or birthplace, and destination. Diana 11 November Diana 3 June Ann 1 September Lucilla 3rd Quarter German towns began keeping records of each person's residence in the 1840s. ISTG Vol 19 - Bremen Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild Bremen List of Passengers arrived from Foreign Ports, In the Port of Galveston, during the Second Quarter (10 May), 1871 (John Hellmers, Master) This page has been viewed 37,687 times (3,809 via redirect). Eliza Thornton 30 October Condor 9 August 1845 SS Main 6 October, 1878 SS Leipzig 24 December, 1871 Paoli 9 August Hualco 21 August Ship O. Thyen 23 June, 1855 Olbers 12 December Brig Apollo 13 August Constitution 23 June Emma 7 October . Emigration & Immigration Records - Passenger Lists, Naturalization Humphrey 10 July Garonne 21 August Henry 15 October Everhard 30 December Rajah 28 October Ships are so equipped that certain decks may serve as cargo space for the east-bound trip and in Bremen and Hamburg be transformed into steerage quarters for the west-bound. He speaks of clippers, those magnificent sailing liners, first built in America, whose length is to their breadth as 8:1. Content: Passenger lists. Herschel 15 August General Washington 24 November, 1845 The ship logo, which is still used in part, was designed and contributed by Pat Walker and Sheila Tate. This is a list of ships which sailed from Bremen, Germany to New York City in 1866. Republic 13 June In 1910, emigration had about regained its normal status. SS Neckar 14 April, 1888 Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Meta 4 January Paoli 20 December Especially was this true for the years 1865- 66-67. Stephani 14 October Leontine 28 June In 1873 the Hapag fell into a rate war with the newly founded Adler Line, established to partake in the profits of the transatlantic trade. Paoli 20 December Stephani 14 October Telumah 12 November Clarissa Perkins 11 July Reform 4 September Passenger Ships from Bremen to New York in 1866 - German Roots Autoleon 3 September Apollo 7 July Camera 13 December Eutaw 15 September Agnes 29 December 1841 SS Berlin 21 October Ship Adolphine 13 January Inquiries and/or questions to the Bremen Passenger Lists will be replied to by members of DIE MAUS at kwesling(at)[3]. Telegraph 25 April SS Nurnberg 12 March Starting in 1895, emigrants were segregated based on wealth. SS General Werder 1 April Charlotte 30 June SS Arago 12 June SS Bremen (1896) - Wikipedia Olbers 12 December Louisa 23 May Alfred 30 October Assuming an average fare of $86.00 per steerage passenger, the income of either company for the year from this service alone was five and one fourth million dollars. Europa 8 November Brig Julia 30 November, 1842 Germany now exports largely to the United States, but her exports are primarily manufactured articles of high specific value and small bulk.

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immigrant ships from bremen, germany